Do you want your biography to appear on your Profile block all the time (without the user to scroll it?) Do you want to expand the size of your Profile block? Check out the before and after:


Nicholas Sherlock

Hi there, I'm Nicholas Sherlock. I'm primarily a software developer. I'm just experimenting with some photography in my spare time. Mainly in and around Dunedin, New Zealand, which is where I live.

You can contact me at

Interested in classic cameras? Check out my dad's classic camera website specializing in Retina cameras,


Nicholas Sherlock

Hi there, I'm Nicholas Sherlock. I'm primarily a software developer. I'm just experimenting with some photography in my spare time. Mainly in and around Dunedin, New Zealand, which is where I live.

You can contact me at

Interested in classic cameras? Check out my dad's classic camera website specializing in Retina cameras,

Show the bio all the time, without requiring scrolling

Add a CSS block to the page that has your profile on it, and add this CSS:
Save your changes, and you should now have a profile block on your page where the text always appears, instead of requiring your visitors to scroll!

Changing the size of the profile block

You can add CSS to tune the height of your profile block, for example this will make it taller:
The default is 33.33%. Increase the percentage to make your bio taller, decrease it to make it shorter.

Keep your profile photo from touching the edges of the background

Add this CSS:

Tune the horizontal position of your profile photo

My profile photo cuts me off a little bit, so I added this CSS to bring the right edge of the photo to the right edge of the thumbnail:

Vertically align your profile photo against your profile

By default, your profile photo is aligned to the bottom of your profile text. You can change that alignment to the top by adding this CSS:
Or align it to the middle by adding this CSS:
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